Time to look after yourself at home.

Kati Bishop, from Katherine Bishop Therapies, is our next North Devon based business to be one of our special guest bloggers. Enjoy Kati’s article!

Some Uplifting Self-Care Ideas for You to Try. 

It’s fair to say that we’re currently living in some slightly strange times and that, now more than ever, it’s important to look after ourselves both mentally and physically. 

As a massage therapist, it’s my job to help people feel better – whether its to ease aching muscles or to offer a sense of well-being and relaxation through massage. I also try to offer my clients ideas on ‘self-care’ activities, that are hugely important to keep healthy, both in mind and body. 

Below are some ideas that you may hopefully find helpful, as well as some lovely essential oil blends to help you feel uplifted and de-stressed.  

Self-Care Ideas

  • Breathe; unclench your jaw and drop your shoulders. Take time and focus on your breath to help calm your mind. The 7/11 technique is a simple breathing exercise whereby you breathe in for a count of 7 seconds and out for a count of 11 seconds. 
  • Exercise – Whether it’s a short walk, a run, or yoga. Any form of exercise will help boost your mood. There is an abundance of online classes so go ahead and give them a try. 
  • Meditation – I highly recommend an app called Insight Timer – a free meditation app. The app offers a plethora of meditations for all levels, so whether you’re a beginner or a daily meditator there’s something for everyone.
  • Finally – ask for help if you need it and don’t be so hard on yourself. You are doing great!

Uplifting Essential Oil Blend

Essential oils have many healing properties, including fighting colds, reducing aches and pains, helping with relaxation and helping to uplift. Essentials oils can be added to your bath – try adding about 5 drops of any of the following uplifting oils to your bath: Bergamot, Lavender (also a brilliant sleep aid – try a few drops on the corner of your pillow), Lemon, Mandarin or Ylang Ylang.

Essential oils can also be blended with a carrier oil such as Coconut oil or Grapeseed oil and applied to the body – either rubbed in by yourself or massager. There are some great videos online showing some simple massage techniques. My absolute go-to blend, which is both comforting and uplifting, is 3 drops of Ylang Ylang, 3 drops of Bergamot and 2 drops of Lavender into 50ml of carrier oil. This can be applied to your arms, legs and back.  Retailers like Holland & Barret have a good selection of essentials oils that can be ordered online. 

For more information and help with any of the self-care activities or essential oil blends, please feel free to follow me on Facebook by searching Katherine Bishop Therapies or visit www.kbtherapies.co.uk.

Now it’s your turn. Give it a go and we hope you feel relaxed and calmed.

Feeling inspired?

If you feel inspired take a look at Katherine Bishop Therapies Facebook page for more ideas or follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with more project ideas.

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